For People
Did I find joy in a package of deli meat? Why yes. Yes, I did. Today I was in the deli section of the grocery store. With the department busy with shoppers, I decided to look for fresh pre-packaged sliced meat. Hand-written words in red ink signed with a name on each package caught my attention. Rather than deciding which meat to buy, I was choosing which messages I wanted to take home.
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Nancy, a Publix employee, had written uplifting messages on each package of cheese and meat with a smiley face and her name. Free offerings of cheer weren't on my shopping list today. Add them, I did!
Such a little thing but one that directed my spirit to the heavens. Like food servers who send you off with a joyful hand-written message on your receipt after you have paid your bill. This woman today sent out positivity to people she may never meet. I love the free flow of kindness sent into the chilled case that would find its way out the door. Someone who does this is a person who is for people, not against people. My day was off to a great start early this morning, all in the package of deli meat with Nancy's add touch. It doesn't take much!
It reminded me of a question my mom would often ask me and others during her Alzheimer's as Alzheimer's was running the show.
Are you for me or against me?
Being for her meant: walking along with her during the challenge of Alzheimer's, always keeping in mind what she wanted for her life and do things she enjoyed and not forcing her to do something she wouldn't have done without Alzheimer's. It required me to adjust my life without losing my life for a while to help her have the best quality of life she could for as long as she could. Being for her meant we were in the wilderness together, figuring things out as they came, not always having answers, taking things day by day by hour by hour for a very long time. Have I mentioned patience? Patience was necessary and at the top of the list. When forces and words of all kinds challenged the situation, I'd weather the storm with her placing us in the eye of the hurricane and let the winds fly around us. In the eye is where beauty and the good in people who were for us always showed up expecting nothing in return, making the storm a bit easier to travel through. Just like Nancy today. God bless her.
Dear Friend,
Thank you for sending beauty and good that flows through people in little messages and offerings of kindness during the storms of life. Their energy is contagious and uplifts the human spirit, ultimately uplifting the human family in love. Guide us to be a people who are for one another spreading cheerful peace.